miércoles, 4 de julio de 2007

Reflection of My Listening Microteaching

first of all, I would like to start by saying that I am not nervious and I felt self confident about my microteaching because I knew the student very well, also because Miss Editha helped before to start with the listening activity, in adittion it was a activity which belong to the 5th book from mineduc. Miss Editha and me made a deal that my microteaching it will be a part of the normal classroom, then she will evaluate the students at the end of the class as always.

Pre ---------------> Engage motivation ( Do you Know the numbers ?)
instructions ( first, open you book page 18,
then listening the story twise)

While ------------> Study  exercices (The students work with the book and
compare with the partner
Activity unit 2 page 18 “the number”
complete the dialogue

Post -------------> Activite  assess(spelling numbers on the black board)
And listening a song with spelling numbers)

This represent in brief what I did in my microteaching. the steps I followed that we already saw in class. Taking in consideration them in everymoment when I was doing the activity, I felt self confident and I mage well, the sudents were interested in the activity, they worked and understood and I realized that they are good at listening and spelling words.

I think that in this terms I can take advantages of this and practicing more with them, thay are going to enjoy and learn and ask for more.