to begin with, I am sure that always we are going to find these complicated children that have bad behaviour during the class, these students who create uncomfortable situation in a clasroom, where always it is going to be a big controversial issues.
Dysfunctional families are more prevalent than they should be and often teachers and trainers provide the one safe context for learners in these situations. Deprivation of love, excessive control, family restructuring, abuses of various kinds, damage to self-concept and violence are features of dysfunctional family situations that are often ‘acted out’ in a classroom or workplace setting. The problems that originate in society that can impact on classroom management include the impact of a technologically saturated life, peer pressure, racial and class conflicts, unemployment and poverty. The problems that occur within the classroom that may account for unsociable or difficult to manage behaviours include instruction without context, failure to teach problem solving skills, non acceptance of the students’ situations, competitive grading, excessive coercion and systems of punishment and reward.
Is the teacher going to adopt a view of the learner that assumes that they can be conditioned to better behaviour and therefore learning? Or is the teacher going to base his or her practices on a view that learners are self regulating and that self regulation needs to be taught? Or something in between? The questions posed for the teacher then become which standpoint about learning and consequent behaviour management will:
Encourage my learners to become independent and self reliant
Be consistent with what I know about my learners
Be the easiest to implement and manage
Demonstrate consistency to my learners
Be most effective
Help to promote a strong self concept in my learners
Prevent further discipline problems (p28-29)